I have wanted to play drums since I was a kid.
This challenge allowed me to live out a childhood dream that I thought I'd never get to do.
Before I did the challenge I thought good luck, there's no way I could ever drum. After the challenge, not only did I understand what I was playing, but I could I get my hands and feet to do what I wanted them to and who knew I got rhythm baby!
After The FREE 5 Day Drum For Fun Challenge No Joke, I'm a drummer now!
Dan's high energy, positive motivational style of teaching is great! His step-by-step approach showed how simple it is to learn to play drums.
I am no longer on the sidelines of music I am now in the game.! What a great feeling!
I highly recommend this challenge if you ever had a childhood dream to play music.
Drum For Fun Challenge Rocks!
Boom! Done!